Thursday, October 01, 2009

OMG! Shoes!

While we’re talking shoes, let’s talk about how you can never have too many.

My rotation has dwindled down to two pairs (from a high of five). I’ve got New Balance 1063’s for regular road and x-c runs, and Saucony Fastwitch 3’s (the orange ones!) for speedwork. The 1063’s are nice and light for a cushioned neutral shoe, but the Fastwitches are so light they’re basically nonexistent – yet with just enough cushioning that my forefeet are happy.

We can all agree, I'm sure, that two pairs is a travesty and more are needed, stat. I’m thinking of adding another lighter neutral/cushioned trainer to the mix. At the running store, I tried on the Brooks Ghost and really liked it, but thought it wasn’t quite substantial enough for regular, longer training runs; more of a shoe for half-marathon racing or longer tempo runs, perhaps. Since then I’ve been fantasizing about its cushy, springy lightness and how it would like so totally make me at LEAST five minutes faster in the half-marathon….

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