Thursday, September 24, 2009

Running and Yoga and Burritos

Timely, this: Just poking around on Runner's Lounge (I don't post there - too much social networking going on already! - but was in need of even more running-based distraction) and their Thursday Question is about running and yoga: "Tell us about your experience with yoga as it relates to running." I recently started up again with Ashtanga yoga after a two-year absence, and I'm loving it! It makes me stronger and more flexible, and the pain-endurance aspect has to be good for my mental strength. Of course, the real reason I do it is the relaxation at the end: stretching out full-length on the mat, warmed by a blanket, just concentrating on breathing in and out...You just feel so good afterwards. "Calm and centered" isn't a state of being which I naturally fall into, so I doubt the novelty will ever wear off.

So Wednesday is now Yoga Day; that's the led "basic" class. After work I do an easy 6-km loop around the Tiergarten, then head to yoga. One minor drawback is the ensuing 30-minute bike ride back to Kreuzberg in a state of advanced hunger (class is over at 9:30 p.m.). Fortunately, there's a burrito place on the way! Black beans, cheese, and salsa to the rescue!

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